The problem of Invasive Species is well known in many places around the world. In the USA, we have fire ants, pythons, nutria, and any number of agricultural pests and diseases, some of which occurred accidentally but most often were as the result of human carelessness or stupidity.
Island ecosystems in the Pacific are troubled with feral cats, rats, snakes, and other non-native species, all of which are decimating many native species to the point of extinction. But of all the areas and countries so afflicted, none have it so bad as Australia.
Australia has been cursed by invasive species for hundreds of years, not the least of which has been the White Man. Rabbits have also caused huge problems, but none have had such a drastic and detrimental effect as has the introduction of the cane toad in 1935. Cane toads were imported from Hawaii to combat sugar cane beetles, but they quickly spread and multiplied and today most of non-desert Australia is overrun with them. They have no natural enemies in Australia and their toxin is deadly to nearly all Australian wildlife, although rats and birds have begun learning how to safely prey on them.
A 1988 documentary on the cane toad problem has finally made it to YouTube and is embedded below. One review states, Honestly, this has to be the most unintentionally funny documentaries I've seen. I went in expecting so little and I was thoroughly surprised. Must watch. And I have to admit watching a cane toad attempting to mate with a squashed toad in the road and swallowing everything in sight, including ping-pong balls and cigarette butts, does have its entertainment value.
And your proof that I am racist is............?
Sorry, pal, but the part to which you seem to object is a DIRECT QUOTE from Smithsonian Magazine in an article on cane toads as an invasive species. Direct your complaints to them.