Meet Charlie and Maverick. Charlie is 11 years old. He went blind from glaucoma and his eyes were removed. Maverick is his 4-month-old best friend and constant companion. The family didn't adopt Maverick to be Charlie's seeing-eye dog; that just happened.
"We originally got Maverick because we wanted our newborn son to grow up with a dog," Charlie and Maverick's mom, Chelsea Stipe, told BuzzFeed. "It just so turned out that he was also helpful to Charlie!"
Well, from the puppy's point of view, an old dog is more fun than a newborn. Charlie, who had settled into old age, gained the confidence to roam outside with Maverick by his side. He became more active trying to keep up with puppy games. And the two are inseparable. Read more about Charlie and Maverick at Buzzfeed, and see videos of them at Instagram.