Since the Academy Awards were first bestowed in 1929, there have been 90 films that took home the Oscar for Best Picture of the Year. Some deserved the award, some didn't. And now we have a ranked list pf all 90 movies to argue over. To be frank, we weren't around to experience many of those years in film, and a movie that was the cream of the crop for that particular year can easily be horrible compared to the top movies of another year. And in some years, the moviegoing audience was horrified by which film the Academy selected. Be that as it may, Vulture has ranked all 90 movies against each other in a list that is sure to provoke disagreement, if not downright hatred. Isn't that what ranked internet lists are all about? -via Digg
(Image credit: Maya Robinson/Vulture)
This year's Academy Awards will be announced on Sunday, February 24.
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