Archive for February 9th, 2019

Uranus Looks Totally Messed Up

Scientists with the Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program are studying pictures of Uranus and Neptune sent by the Hubble telescope during the period where these ice giants are closet to Earth. These unique new i...

The Birds (1963)

Alfred Hitchcock was a real SOB (for one thing, he killed _Boris Karloff's Thriller_) and he was proud of the fact that he treated actors "like cattle". Say what you will about the man, though, he knew...

Captain, the Feline Mascot of the RMS Carpathia

In 1912, the RMS Carpathia left New York City en route to Croatia, but had to abort the journey in order to rescue the survivors of the Titanic. The ship took on an extra 705 people and three dogs, then...

What's the Deal with White Chocolate?

White chocolate may strike you as an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. Some even say that white chocolate is not chocolate at all. Well, that depends on how you define chocolate. The main ingredient in white chocolate...

Ghost Apples

A ghost is the apparition of a being that is not really there. A ghost apple is the same, made of ice, although the apples were there once. Ice covered the apple trees in an orchard in western Michigan. When And...

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