Archive for February 4th, 2019

Could Queen Elizabeth Get Away with Murder Legally?

What's left of the British Empire is no longer a monarchy, technically. The government is run as a democracy, although the British have retained the royal family anyway, and the Queen has many duties. They are mostly cer...

Treadmill For Kitties

All that sleeping and eating may make your cat a little chubby. However, there’s finally a way to get your lazy cat to exercise (and enjoy it)! >Called The Little Cat, the smart treadmill isn’t th...

Humpback Whales: The Oceans DJs

Researchers have found that humpback whales that are separated by almost 3000 miles have been [remixing each other’s songs!]( These whales usually tend to...

The Wild Wild West

It's not often that a top-rated TV series is cancelled unceremoniously, but strange things happened in the 1960's, and in this case the victim was the series _The Wild Wild West_(TWWW). TWWW premiered in 1965, t...

Which Condiments Need to be Refrigerated?

Which condiments, syrups, and sauces do you really need to keep in the refrigerator? Your bottle of ketchup says "refrigerate after opening," but diners leave ketchup on their tables all day long. Americans keep mustard...

The Deadly Race to the South Pole

British explorer Robert Falcon Scott wanted to lead the first expedition to the South Pole. In January of 1912, he made it to the Pole, but Norwegian Roald Amundsen's team left evidence that they had been there in Decemb...

Monstera Deliciosa, the Risky But Delicious Fruit

The plant named Monstera deliciosa presents a conundrum: how can a plant be a monster and delicious, too? In this case, Monstera means monstrous size, but deliciosa means just what you'd think....


A ball of yarn gets a corporate office job in this new short from Pixar. She tries her very best to fit in with the bro culture, but it ain't easy. Is acceptance from these guys really worth it?...

Breakfast, Not the Most Important Meal of the Day

Shocking, I know. But researchers have looked into various data from multiple studies that tried to compare whether eating or skipping breakfast could help lose weight and increase metabolic rates throughout the...

Dr. Watson's Infant Experiments

We have done much progress in the field of psychology and research has helped us uncover many disorders and imbalances that occur in our personality, our thought processes, and our overall mental state. But bac...

The Unspoken Rule of Asian Dining Etiquette

The custom of waiting for everybody to be seated on the table and have their food served before eating is a deep part of Asian culture. There are various reasons why such norms are considered sacred in differen...

The Floating 'Empty Trash Bag' In Space

Astronomers have recently detected space debris that is moving erratically, almost randomly much like the nickname it was given, an 'empty trash bag' drifting in space. [The object is called A10bMLz.](https://www...

Stunning Computer Simulation of Black Holes Shooting Plasma Jets

Though black holes have been enigmatic things to say the least, we are not completely in the dark about them. In fact, [black holes aren't really as terrifying as we would think them to be.](https://www.livescien...

The Life and Times (and Deaths) of Mr. Bill (1976-1982??)

Once upon a time, long, long ago, when _Saturday Night Live_ was actually funny (there really was such a time, honest), one of its recurring sketches involved a clay character known as Mr. Bill. From Wikipedia:...

Building a Mars Base is a Horrible Idea: Let’s Do It!

Wanna go to Mars? Well, do you think someone should do it? We know we can get there, because we've sent robots. Right now, getting back is a problem, but we'll figure that out eventually. As it is, the first peo...

The Band Everyone Thought Was The Beatles

When I saw the title of this video, I thought of Badfinger, the band that had a Beatles sound because some of their hits were produced by Paul McCartney and George Harrison. But this is the story of Klaatu, a band that c...

A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL 2019

The folks at Bad Lip Reading do this every year. We don't know what the NFL players, coaches, and refs are really saying, so random guesses will do, as long as they fit the lips. Don't watch this while drinking liquid!...

How A Pathological Fear Of Germs Helped Launch Howie Mandel’s Career

Depending on your age, you might know Howie Mandel best as a judge on America's Got Talent, or as the host of the game show Deal or No Deal, or from his frenetic early standup comedy, or when he took hi...

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