The Weirdest Thing You've Done for Science

Jason Rasgon is a professor of Entomology and Disease Epidemiology at Penn State. He studies mosquitoes and the diseases they spread. He asked his Twitter followers to admit the weirdest things they've done in their science careers. Since Rasgon works in biology, the thread was overwhelmingly slanted toward gross biology experiments.

But some brave scientists from other disciplines were eventually represented.

And not all replies came from scientists.

There's a lot more stories, but you might need a strong stomach to read them all. Oh yeah, in the experiment at the top, Andreas Rose found that the "kissing bugs" stayed still when his breath was directed out of the room, and attacked otherwise, so it is apparently the breathing that attracts them. Read the entire Twitter thread here.

-via Metafilter

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I don't think I can compete with the biological sciences in this regard. And probably most of my weirder stuff was biology invading my lab anyway.

Maybe the oddest was having to clean a nest of baby spiders out of a high voltage system. Or cleaning dead birds out of a capacitor bank (the capacitors leak a sticky oil that can act like glue traps). Or running parts from a room sized laser through my home dishwasher, as dish washer soap is great at getting off hard water marks. Or cleaning up the remains of light fixtures that caught fire above a capacitor bank. I guess life story: high voltage systems collect a lot of detritus.

Most other stories involve breaking tools or drinking (but not both... I don't mix things that shouldn't be), which can happen at any job. Surely everyone has screwdrivers that are an inch shorter than when new.
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