Rare Diseases Are Becoming More Common

Isolated cases of rare diseases are no longer isolated. We begin to understand now that previously undiagnosed diseases share common experiences with many people around the world and with the help of new technologies in genetics and medicine, we can now look into what causes these rare diseases and find a way to treat them.

When Christy Collins’ daughter was born, the doctors were baffled. The baby’s body was larger on one side than the other, and her skin was covered with unusual birthmarks. The girl had low muscle tone and fluid in her lungs, and her legs felt doughy to the touch. But why? Medical experts could not say.
Just a few decades ago, children with seemingly undiagnosable conditions—children like her little girl—received a catchall label of “multiple disabilities” without further investigation. But things have changed.

(Image credit: Josh Appel/Unsplash)

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everything scales, we got 7.5 billion people now, gonna be alot more rare diseases not so rare

also think of how many people live in underdeveloped countries who can't afford the luxury to be even diagnosed at all, let alone have sanitary conditions
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Rare diseases becoming more common could be the result of a) better communication and thus increased awareness, b) a larger population and thus more people getting such maladies, or c) yes, they are striking a larger portion of the population than before. These could be the result of all the toxins we have been pumping into the air, water and land for centuries. Regardless, they are terrible - but increased awareness will encourage more research into treatments and cures.
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I was just talking about this to my relatives the other day: it seems that we know more people with weird diseases nowadays.

My aunt told me that it's probably not true: people had always gotten sick/suddenly died but they never knew what happened. Today, they just got diagnosed (and given a name of the disease).
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