Archive for January 18th, 2019

Why Fingerprints are Unique

Minute Earth explains the science behind fingerprints: how they are formed, why they develop their individual patterns, and the math on why they don't replicate in nature. It's pretty detailed, and makes you wonder how t...

Egret Inception

Art can really bring people together. Gaddafo's mom painted an egret and thought no one would like it. Gaddafo thought differently and posted it to reddit. It was a real hit!Then k__z painted the mom and the painting.The...

Pebble and Wren

A few months ago, Chris Hallbeck began a story about a house monster at his webcomic Maximumble. That story was spun off into its own comic called Pebble and Wren. Pebble is the shape-shifting house monster and Wren is t...

The Regent’s Park Skating Tragedy

Britain's worst ice skating accident occurred on January 16, 1867, at Regent's Park in London. It must have been a fine day, as hundreds of people were skating on the lake.At about a quarter-past four, when a large numbe...

How Do We Solve Airport Congestion?

Though there are ergonomically designed airports which seem futuristic in their efforts to maximize efficiency and get passengers where they need to be on time, a lot of airports still struggle with [the age-old...

How Duct Tape is Made

Whether you call it duck tape or duct tape, you are correct. The original name is duck tape, and now it's the brand name. But people call it duct tape because it is used to repair ducts as well. This video from Insider t...

Robot Monster! The. Worst. Film. Ever. Made. (Maybe.)

The 1950's saw a huge rise in science fiction films entering the consumer market, as drive-in theaters were - everywhere - and said market was insatiable. The Atomic Age had begun, opening whole new vistas for fi...

Frosty Fights Back

Petersburg, Kentucky resident Cody Lutz built a giant snowman with his visiting fiance and future sister-in-law after a sizable snowfall over the weekend. They used a large tree stump for the base of the Goliath...

What Kind of Words Were Spoken in British Dialects Before?

Have you ever seen a dauncy person? Or look up at the sky and thought, it is going to be a flenched day? Perhaps, you have met someone who has the habit of parwhobbling, something which you consider very polrumpt...

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