Archive for January 11th, 2019

How Crowd Behavior Acts Like Flowing Water

When you have been engulfed in a crowd, it can be described like a sea of people and that may be an accurate depiction as a new study has found that big crowds tend to flow like water. A [previous study](https://...

Who is William Penn, The Guy People Think Whose Face is on Quaker Oats?

The face of Quaker Oats seems like a kind, old man with a nice smile trying to persuade you to live a healthier lifestyle and eat oats for breakfast. Some say that he was based on William Penn, the founder of Pen...

Rare Coin ready to be Auctioned for $1 Million or Above!

Image source: Heritage Auctions A rare 1943 Lincoln Penny discovered in 1947 has resurfaced and is to go on auction. In 1947, Don Lutes Jr., a Massachusets based school going boy, came across this penny in his...

Yes and No

How many times were the words "yes" and "no" uttered in Star Wars? You might be able to guess which one was said more often, but Star Wars Kids actually counted. Even better, they created a supercut where we can...

The Ghostbusters Dinosaur

"There is no dino, only Zuul."A new dinosaur discovered in 2014 has been named after the demon Zuul from Ghostbusters. The ankylosaurid fossil now goes by the name Zuul crurivastator. From the recreatio...

Four Movies Retold as Medieval Tales

Remember the the Historic Tale Construction Kit, that helps you build your own panels using images from the Bayeaux Tapestry? Some of the crew at Ars Technica had fun with it over the holidays, and made comics that retel...

No, Your Cat Isn't Turning You into a Psychopath

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that can make any mammal its host, but can make eggs only when in a cat's body. Cats pick it up by eating infected meat. Once the parasite reproduces, an infected cat can spread mi...

What Are Woolly Mammoth DNA Doing in Cambodian Ivory?

Said to be extinct thousands of years ago, scientists who are tracking illegal poaching of elephant ivory in Cambodia have found an unexpected turn of events, they found DNA of woolly mammoths in trinkets. >&...

RIP George, the Snail

Image source: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources recently announced the sad demise of a snail. His name was George and he was the last survivi...

Hockey Players Have Big Butts

Athletes work very hard to get to the point where they can make a living playing sports. Depending on the sport, there are side effects to that hard work. For hockey players, that can mean trouble finding jeans that fit....

The First Set of False Teeth

When you get and your teeth start falling out, you probably would want to get a set of replacements for them so that you may want to look aesthetically pleasant when posing for pictures. Back in ancient times, pe...

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