Archive for January 5th, 2019

The Ship That Existed in Two Centuries at Once

The SS Warrimoo was ferrying passengers between Canada and Australia in December of 1899. En route, Captain John Phillips realized he had the opportunity to do something extraordinary, so he commanded that the s...

Giant bees do the wave!

When the Apis dorsata giant bees are bothered, the bees that are outside the nest raise their body. Then the ones next to them do the same, launching a a mesmerising metachronal rythm, a wave like in the stadiums...

Crimes Foiled by Instant Karma

You know what they say about the best-laid plans. You also know that criminals often don't think their cunning plans completely through. And sometimes, karma just steps in out of nowhere. In June of 2005, a group of men...

Your Best Duck

Hey @TheMerl, here's a quacking duck that's got to be at the top of the billIt's a cosmetics container made around 1300 BC in ancient Egypt— British Museum (@b...

The Four Generations Meme

A meme popular in Chinese social media has three generations of family members calling out to their parents. This compilation is pretty self-explanatory, and you don't have to understand the language at all. It's just ad...

Can Food Ease the Pain of a Hangover?

We have all been through that morning after a hangover. The familiar banging sensation that won't stop racking our heads. But is it actually possible to get through the pain of the hangover by eating? Will it giv...

In a Nutshell

If you want to capture the world in a nutshell, you begin with the nut itself. But this video by Fabio Friedli quickly expands to encompass a lot of things! Objects, that is. Vimeo takes a closer look at the meaning of I...

The History of the World According to Cats

Yes, this video has goofy animations of cats, but it is also a history lesson from TED-Ed by Eva-Maria Geigl. We learn how cats became domesticated and then traveled the world, without having to change much at all from t...

An Oral History of the Hampsterdance

Twenty years ago, we didn't even have a term for "viral" or even "meme." But hampsterdance was both, and more than that. You couldn't go online without encountering the pixelated hamsters dancing to Roger Miller singing...

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