Louis Rudd, Second Person To Complete Antarctic Trek

Just two days after Colin O'Brady finished his solo ski adventure across Antarctica, British explorer Louis Rudd has also made it toward the end line.

Concluding the most epic polar competition since Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott raced to the South Pole in 1911, British adventurer Louis Rudd skied to the edge of the Antarctic land mass on December 29, the 56th day of his expedition, to complete his solo, unsupported, and unassisted crossing of the frozen continent.
It was American Colin O’Brady who had completed his own unsupported solo crossing of the same route only three days earlier, making him the first person to ever do so. Both men had set off on November 3 a mile apart at the Atlantic coast on the other side of the great white continent aiming to be the first person to ski alone and unassisted from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific by way of the South Pole. Now Rudd becomes the second member of this ultra-exclusive club.

Sharing his thoughts on the matter, he says:

“I’ve always been keen to avoid the media [who try] to make it a race issue,” he wrote. “The minute you get drawn into a race scenario, everything you’re doing is dictated by the other person ... It changes the whole nature of the expedition. I decided right from the early stages I wasn’t going to get drawn into that… I’ve just come and done my journey.”

Read more on National Geographic.

(Image credit: Louis Rudd)

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I would like to watch a documentary where these guys just talk about their life and their mindsets. Like, the way their life went, and the way they view life itself - how that affects a person to become a antarctic trekker like that. I would never in a million years want to put myself in that environment and commit for that period of time to do that. But they did. I'm not judging them, just saying I wanna know more about the way they tick internally.
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