Hilariously Incorrect Things Teachers Have Said

You might not remember much else about grade school or high school, but you will never forget that time a teacher told the class something that was so obviously wrong that your jaw dropped, even though you were just a kid. To be fair, no one is perfect, especially outside their area, and we suspect a few teachers are disproportionately represented in these incidents. Redditors shared these memories in a recent thread that you'll enjoy perusing.

Our teacher put materials from plants and materials from animals on a board. We could not convince her that wool was not a plant. —Pedantichrist

Computer teacher told us if you select 'cut' on an image from a website it will be removed from the website and will upset the website maker, so we had to use 'copy —Raven_of_Blades

When i was in kindergarten, our homework assignment was to ask our parents what country they were from so the teacher could show us on the globe where it was. Younger me was so excited! I went home and asked my Mom where she was born and she told me her family was from Malaysia. All day i practiced and practiced. I couldn't wait to share this info with my teacher!

When i went to school the next day, i told my teacher that my mom is from Malaysia. With a look of utter disappointment, my teacher informed me that Malaysia was not a country, and i needed to ask my mom again. I was CRUSHED that my Mom would lie to me like that. Or that she was wrong. Either way little me cried to her and told her that my teacher said Malaysia is not a country..

So Mama was not happy that i was told this and came with me to school the next day to give the teacher a piece of her mind. To this day I've never seen my mother get so red in the face while yelling at my teacher. After she was through, I quickly got an apology and a geography lesson on where Malaysia was! —llCloudIXll

See a roundup of the funniest answers at Buzzfeed and all the responses at reddit. There are even more stories in the comments at Buzzfeed. Feel free to add your own here.

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My daughters 6th grade science teacher was talking about humous, nutruent rich earth, then told the kids that some people EAT humous. I couldnt help myself. I said No, they eat HUMMUS, mashed chick peas, not humous. God only knows what else she didn't know right.
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A friend of mine was once volunteering in an elementary school in Indiana, and witnessed this exchange:
Teacher: “Okay, Johnny, spell ‘warsh.’”
Johnny: “Warsh. W-A-R-S-H. Warsh.”
Teacher: “No, Johnny, I’m sorry, the ‘r’ is silent.”
Friend: [Facepalm]
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