Archive for December 29th, 2018

Gingerbread Xenomorph

Norwegian artist Caroline Eriksson just finished an epic sculpture of the xenomorph queen from Alien, made of gingerbread! In the reddit thread, she explains that the sculpture is built over an iron structure, h...

He Ordered a Box of Crickets

Christopher Ingraham (previously at Neatorama) ordered a shipment of 250 crickets to feed Holly, his bearded dragon. It was the first time he bought insects over the internet, and possibly the last time.   So, a sh...

Nature-Inspired Water Collection System Prototype Built To Aid Water-Scarce Environments

Water is one of the basic needs for survival but not all places have a rich supply of water. Arid areas scarcely receive any water all year round and it would be very difficult and expensive to build irrigation s...

Perceiving the World Through the Dimensions of Reality

We live in a three-dimensional world. Everything that we perceive and how we move around the space in which we are contained, it is all in three dimensions. But perhaps you have heard of four and even ten dimensi...

These People Look Real, But They're Not, They Were Artificially Created

Yup, it seems that someday, robots will take over the world. There were already developments regarding an AI news reporter in China and now, we have AI creating realistic photos of people, none of whom exist. &g...

Killing the 'Less Dead': Samuel Little's Story

Nobody can truly justify taking the life of another person, taking the law in one's own hands, thinking that you are doing them and others a service. For Samuel Little, he thought of himself as "an angel of...

Disrupting Memories of Drug Use, New Experimental Treatment for Addiction

I'm all for helping people cope with substance use and drug addiction, and rehabilitating them so that they wouldn't go into relapse. This new method may be a bit of a stretch but if it succeeds, perhaps [it ca...

The Reality of the Internet: Much of It Is Fake

No surprise there. A lot of people who are well-versed on the internet know that there are so many scams and shams going on in the internet. There are fake accounts, fake websites, fake reviews, fake products....

The World in 2019, As Predicted by Isaac Asimov

Famous science fiction author and a professor of biochemistry, Isaac Asimov was asked by the [Toronto Star](

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