Indiana Jones Boulder Scene in LEGO

Raiders of the Lost Ark begins with a memorable scene in which Indiana Jones invades an ancient temple to steal a golden idol and then has to escape a series of booby traps. Caleb Watson recreated that scene in LEGO, but not in a stop-motion video as you'd expect. This is a completely built LEGO diorama with working motors to animate the action! The structure shows the path our hero takes in and out of the temple, with moving action in each section. Watson showed it off at BrickCon 2018. The first five minutes shows us the entire setup, followed a tour of the inner workings. -via Laughing Squid

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Why in the world would someone feed pigeons? Does that guy also leave food out for rats and cockroaches? It's not like the pigeons are starving and can't find their own food.
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