When you look at the undersides of your hands and feet, do you ever wonder why there is no hair growing on them? Or maybe why certain areas of your body are smooth as a baby's bottom and how you wish they weren't? Well, the answer to that is the inhibitor Dickkopf 2 or DKK2.
In a paper published in the journal Cell Reports, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in the US say they've found a naturally-occurring inhibitor secreted in developing hairless skin that blocks what geneticists call the Wnt pathway, which controls hair growth.
So perhaps the next thing we should try to find out would be whether the inhibitor can be deactivated or removed such that hair can grow in such areas.
(Image credit: Ian Dooley/Unsplash)
Having imperfect knees means you have perfect knees - it perfectly lines up with the nature of suffering and goals.