Archive for November 24th, 2018

The Curious Case of Harriet Moore, Alias John Murphy

Two hundred years ago, life was very restricted for young women, but it was also dangerous for a young woman without the protection of a family. So when Harriet Moore's mother died in 1816, the young Irish girl put on bo...

The Surprisingly Simple Yet Clever Beginnings of the 'Michelin Stars'

In the culinary world, one of the most prestigious recognition any restaurateur strives toward is getting one of the famed Michelin stars. They try to perfect not just the food that they serve but also the qualit...

Why These Two Actual Spies Think 'Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy' is The Most Accurate Spy Movie

As much as we love our movies and TV shows, adapting a certain story onto the big and small screen goes through changes in the production process. Scenes are edited out, realities get stretched, and personas beco...

Turns Out Luck Has More To Do with Success than Talent

Yes, we were told that if we work hard, study and learn as much knowledge and skills as we could, and apply all of that in our daily lives, at work, at school, and other aspects of life, then we would achieve our...

2018 Schedule of Christmas Movies and TV Specials

Once the Thanksgiving leftovers are stashed in the refrigerator, it's officially Christmas time! While some people spend their holiday season shopping for gifts, putting up decorations, and baking seasonal treats, the re...

The Lion King Official Teaser

Disney is preparing a new remake of The Lion King, set for release in July of 2019. Some are calling it the "live action Lion King," but that's not what it is, since the movie is all animated....

The World Ploughing Championships

You might never have heard of the World Ploughing Championships, but the farmers who take part in the competitions are serious about their sport, which require training, skill, practice, and dedication.   Compe...

Forklift Driver Destroys Warehouse

One wrong move by the hapless forklift driver and the whole house of cards falls in. I swear, this looks like nothing so much as a complicated domino fall. Whoever designed this rickety setup is much more at fault than t...

Ranking Over-the-Counter Stomach Medicines

Did you eat too much for Thanksgiving dinner? Can't stay out of the leftovers? Overdo it just a bit? Time to reach for the Pepto, or Bromo-seltzer, or whatever you have to relieve an upset stomach. But which one is best...

6 Explosive Fart Controversies

Last week's row between two dart throwers over who farted was not the first, not will it be the last, public squabble over flatulence. The story inspired Lucas Reilly to look up historical fart controversies from ancient...

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