If you are searching for an eye-catching, conversation-starting 2019 calendar, you would do well to check out MerBy's Calendar from the Newfoundland & Labrador Beard and Moustache Club. Each month features a gorgeous photograph of men in beards and mermaid tails. The calendar was first produced last year and raised over $300,000 for the club's local mental health organization. This year, the production values are higher, but proceeds will still go to a good cause.
Violence Prevention Newfoundland & Labrador will be the main recipient of the funds we raise this year. We wanted to help them continue their very important work of changing attitudes and breaking down stereotypes. Their goal is to challenge negative attitudes of masculinity, and empower men to become meaningfully engaged in violence prevention.
The MerBy's Calendar is one of several quirky 2019 calendars featured in a list at Boing Boing.
(Image credit: NL Beard and Moustache Club)