The 50 Greatest Movie Dance Scenes of All Time

Vulture has compiled a ranked list of the 50 best dance scenes in movies. Whether or not you agree with their picks or their rankings, you'll enjoy watching at least some of the 49 accompanying videos (one was deemed too pornographic). You'll see Fred Astaire, Carmen Miranda, Prince, Patrick Swayze, Marilyn Monroe, Josephine Baker, Pee-Wee Herman, Ann-Margret, Elvis, Channing Tatum, Esther Williams, Grace Jones, Gene Kelly, John Travolta, Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers, and hoofers from Broadway to Bollywood. As enjoyable as those videos are, Metafilter points out some egregious omission, like Jumpin' Jive and the Bottle Dance.

(Image credit: Emily Denniston and Maya Robinson/Vulture)

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Also, no Candy Johnson from the '60s beach party movies, or James Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy, just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are many more contenders.
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