This is How Birds Look to Other Birds


Birds can see ultraviolet light, so how they see other birds can be very different from how we see them. For example, in the image above, what humans see is in the upper right-hand corner, whereas what birds see is the large picture on the left.

Nathan Chronister's Ultraviolet Bird Photography website has more neat examples.

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I've heard it referred to a dazzling effect. Like looking at a germicidal light but less pink. Or maybe somewhat similar to deep blue lights, like some Christmas lights that your eye never seems to focus on well (due to low density of receptors for blue).
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There are birds who only appear sexually dimorphic when you look at their patterns in UV, otherwise males and females appear the same to humans.

An example of this comes from a paper known because of its title: Blue Tits Are Ultraviolet Tits

Of note, human retinas can see into the UVA part of the spectrum, but that is normally blocked by the lens. People who have operations where they get an artificial lens in their eye can then see a bit of UV. But they still have only three, or fewer, receptors (and blue is not very high resolution), so it is still difficult to see much detail.
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While UV photography is interesting, birds vision is even MORE interesting than this - they see colours we can't even imagine. Where we have three base colours (red, green, blue, as seen in HTML colour) - they have four. They are tetrachromatic.
So instead of our black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, cyan and white corners, they have 16 corner colours. We're colourblind compared to them.
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