Ainee Fatima remembered that when she was a student, she had "immense anxiety" over getting back her 'red-marker'-graded papers.
So, when she became a high school teacher, Fatima decided to grade her students' papers a bit differently: with meme stickers!
"Everyone uses them in some aspect of life," Fatima told over email. "It's a part of our texting culture now, and we use them to react to everything. I thought, why don't I use this for grading? My kids need to know how ridiculous their answers are sometimes."
"The memes push students to look at what they got wrong. Instead of shoving the exam in their bag from embarrassment, which is something I used to do because I didn't want anyone to see the red marks I got, it allows them to correct their mistakes for a better grade," she says.
Read the full story over at The Oprah Magazine
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