6 Scientific Explanations for Ghosts

Have you ever experienced unexplained phenomena that gave you the impression of a ghost? A sudden cold chill, a feeling of dread, unexpected sounds in the night? Folklore and horror films give us an easy explanation- your house is haunted by a dead person who never left. There might be a more scientific reason for that feeling, like infrasound.

Infrasound is sound at levels so low humans can’t hear it (though other animals, like elephants, can). Low frequency vibrations can cause distinct physiological discomfort. Scientists studying the effects of wind turbines and traffic noise near residences have found that low-frequency noise can cause disorientation [PDF], feelings of panic, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, and other effects that could easily be associated with being visited by a ghost [PDF]. For instance, in a 1998 paper on natural causes of hauntings [PDF], engineer Vic Tandy describes working for a medical equipment manufacturer, whose labs included a reportedly haunted room. Whenever Tandy worked in this particular lab, he felt depressed and uncomfortable, often hearing and seeing odd things—including an apparition that definitely looked like a ghost. Eventually, he discovered that the room was home to a 19 Hz standing wave coming from a fan, which was sending out the inaudible vibrations that caused the disorienting effects. Further studies also show links between infrasound and bizarre sensations like getting chills down the spine or feeling uneasy.

That's only one of six plausible explanations for hauntings you can read about at Mental Floss. I was surprised that "cat" wasn't one of them. I always blame strange sounds, moved objects, and the feeling of someone in my bed on my three cats.

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ghosts are not the spirits of dead people. they are inorganic sentient beings that feed off of the energy released by humans under stress or excited. they often hang out around areas where violent tragedies occurred, having been attracted to the spot by the initial event, then lingering for the steady supply of "food" afterwards. they will recreate some of the energy signature of the event or people involved because experience over the millennia has shown that humans will often perceive this energy as a "ghostly" image of the people and have a fear reaction, producing more "food" for the inorganic entity. as time moves on the community's memory of the event fades and getting fewer and fewer reactions the entity will eventually move on to greener pastures. a truly legendary tragedy can keep a hungry entity around for hundreds of years though.
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One time I drove down a stretch of highway where a very good friend was killed. I had this eerie feeling he was in the back seat of my car. I would take alternative routes for that afterwards.
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