Archive for September 19th, 2018

Bert and Ernie's Relationship

The Muppets Bert and Ernie have been roommates on Sesame Street for 49 years now, and some have speculated that they are a gay couple. Mark Saltzman has written for stage, screen, and TV, including a 15-year sti...

21 Things You May Not Know About the U.S. Constitution

The United States Constitution is a framework for how our government operates. As democracy was an experiment at the time, it was our second attempt at enshrining the basics on paper. The Articles of Confederation, draft...

Goat Dam! Watch These Alpine Ibex Goats Climb a Near-Vertical Dam Wall

The Cingino Dam in Italy is a 160-foot tall dam with rock walls made with stones that just happen to have salt-crust that Alpine Ibex goats love to lick. The fact that the dam wall is nearly vertical, with teeny...

Nuclear Pasta: The Strongest Material in the Universe

Neutron stars, formed when dying stars collapse into itself, are small and incredibly dense. About a kilometer below the surface of this type of star, atomic nuclei are squeezed together until they merge into a c...

Oodles of 5th Century Gold Coins Found in the Mud

The Italian Ministry of Culture tweeted the excavation of a strange stone urn at the site of the former Teatro Cressoni in the town of Como. Inside the vessel are hundreds of 5th century gold coins - all in mint...

Don't Text and Dad

It only takes a second of inattentiveness for the unthinkable to happen. Though honestly, all this stuff can happen just as well if you are looking right at your children. -via Geeks Are Sexy ...

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