If you're thinking of relocating, maybe you should check out the average commute times for people for who in or around the city you're considering. Just zoom in on the interactive map at Educated Driver and click on the city's dot for more details. People near where I live commute around 40-45 minutes a day, which seems like a big waste of time over a lifetime. However, the average commute time in L.A. or San Francisco is an hour, and 75 minutes in New York City! Now think of this map as a whole, and consider all the lost hours, the gasoline, the pollution, the traffic jams, and the stress that could be avoided if we could just live closer to our workplaces. -via Digg
Comments (10)
Now my commute is about five seconds from the bed to the office desk, although I usually detour to the kitchen for coffee.
Makes sense, because when housing gets too expensive, people are forced to live farther away. Which leads to longer commute distances.