Archive for August 3rd, 2018

The Ghostbusters Logo Only Became Famous Because Of A Legal Screw-Up

Like many branding logos, the familiar Ghostbusters icon went through a lot of changes before the filmmakers settled on a final design. But it wasn't designed for marketing purposes- this one was part of the pro...

Pusic and the Treadmill

[] (YouTube link)Pusic, Russia's most spoiled cat (previously at Neatorama), is fascinated with the new treadmill. He learns how to use it in only six days! It's an accomplishment, alright, bu...

The Disturbing Fate of a Planet Made of Blueberries

They say there are no stupid questions, only questions that are weird enough to provide entertainment. On the forum Physics Stack Exchange, Billy-bodega posed the question, "Supposing that the entire Earth was instantane...

People Pot Pie

[] (YouTube link)Now, these are some freaky-looking pies! Doesn't matter. If they've got berries in them, I'll eat it. I believe these pies were made by Ashley Newman of Folsom, Louisiana. Her...

The Regal Dye Made of Snail Butt Snot

In the ancient world, the color purple was a sign of royalty. Anything dyed the color of Tyrian purple was instantly precious, because the dye was so labor-intensive and the source of the color was so tiny. The expense i...

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