Archive for July 21st, 2018

Trailer for Godzilla: King of the Monsters

[] (YouTube link)During Comic Con weekend, movies studio trot out thrilling trailers for movies that may be just around the corner, or may not be out for another year. Such is the case for *em...

Penguins of the Month

The National Aquarium of New Zealand erected a sign last year to shame their Naughty Penguin of the Month, complete with the reason for the award. In contrast, they also named a Good Penguin of the Month. It was a cute w...

Fun With the Sprinkler

Cara Wohr's dog loves to play in the sprinkler water. How much does he love the sprinkler? Enough to drag it into the house through the doggy door! Was he thinking of sharing this wonderful water with his humans, or was...

Every Circle In This Image Is The Same Color

This image posted at reddit is an illusion. The twelve circles appear to be four different colors, but they are actually all the same color. You can enlarge the image here, which will help you see the real color of the c...

The Walking Dead Season 9: Official Comic-Con Trailer

[] (YouTube link) The Walking Dead will return in about ten weeks. Here's the first trailer for season nine, which is apparently about rifts in the rather large community of...

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