Six-Year-Old Spends $1,000 on the Best Day Ever

(YouTube link)

Huck is pretty good at counting by twenties, for a 6-year-old. Still, he has some innocent ideas of what to do with a thousand dollars. He has to spend it in one day, so he hires a limousine the very first thing. After a trip to the toy store, he runs out of ideas, but the guys from Yes Theory explain VR to him. Then he remembers the candy store! You'll love the way this video ends.  -via reddit  

See more about baby and kids at NeatoBambino

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Interesting about the night-vision shadow issue. If he were using infrared, instead of a photomultiplier (or whatever it's called), then an infrared light would let things cast a shadow, but still would be invisible to human sight.
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