Archive for June 27th, 2018

The Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century Will Happen Next Month

A lunar eclipse on July 27 is guaranteed to be memorable, and eclipse fever is already taking hold -just not in North America. As you can see from this map, the eclipse will be visible to most people in the world, with t...

A Lemon-Powered Supercar

[] (YouTube link)Former NASA engineer Mark Rober (previously at Neatorama) was asked to charge a very powerful battery for an electric Volkswagen. He decided to make lemonade- a really serious...

Why Sam Houston, Texas Hero, Opposed the Civil War

Sam Houston was a Tennessee congressman, then Tennessee governor, then president of Texas (twice), then a Texas senator, then Texas governor. His retirement was due to the Civil War, because he expressed a serious forebo...

Six-Year-Old Spends $1,000 on the Best Day Ever

[] (YouTube link)Huck is pretty good at counting by twenties, for a 6-year-old. Still, he has some innocent ideas of what to do with a thousand dollars. He has to spend it in one day, so he hi...

Arctic Fox Rescued from Iceberg

This critter got himself into a predicament, didn't he? A crab boat crew saw a fox stranded on an iceberg about seven kilometers off the coast of Labrador. Alan Russell of St. Lewis talked to the CBC about the fox on an...

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