Archive for June 3rd, 2018

Parrot Bowling

(YouTube link)A cockatoo is learning how to bowl. The lesson is going great, but when he fails to get a spare, he resorts to cheating. Can you blame him, when he gets such great feedback for knocking down any pins? The g...

Butter Tarts

Do you like butter tarts? Have you ever heard of a butter tart? I had to see a recipe to know what they are, and have ascertained that they are like tiny pecan pies, except sometimes they are made with walnuts o...

Daft Lego

[] (YouTube link)In the internet tradition of designing incredibly complicated machines to do something useless yet impressive, YouTuber TECHNICally Possible made a LEGO contraption that displ...

The Car Search

This is my life. I'm outside inspecting my garden. I see something that needs to be done, but I need to check the weather forecast first. I go inside to my office, and whatever is on the computer screen reminds me of wha...

Dancing Without Moving

[] (YouTube link)Experimental YouTuber Ryan Higa (previously at Neatorama) admits he's not a good dancer. But what if he danced without moving? Then he could control the look image by image, a...

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