What’s a weird thing your family did that you thought was normal till you moved out? We kept birthday candles in the freezer.
— Georgia Hardstark (@GHardstark) April 19, 2018
It all started with this tweet by podcaster Georgia Hardstark, who asked her Twitter followers what weird thing their family did that they thought were completely normal, until they learned otherwise. "We kept birthday candles in the freezer," Hardstark added.
More than 2,000 tweets answered her questions, including these gems:
When I was 4 my Mum convinced me that every so often fish and birds would change colour. So whenever a pet died and she replaced it she didn't have to tell me.
— JadeSmith (@smithy_jade) April 22, 2018
Our family had a metal gong with a padded mallet that we banged to alert the many siblings that dinner was ready. Ringing the dinner gong was a privilege and guests always freaked out when they heard it. I thought everyone used a dinner gong...
— Christina Roger (@christina_r2013) May 4, 2018
My mum used to randomly declare that we were having a “gross dinner” which meant that we didn’t have to use forks or be polite. My lil bro loved it & would spend the whole meal burping & farting & eating with his mouth open. I hated it.
— Rachael Dean (@rachaelispoetry) April 26, 2018
Unfolded laundry hidden in the shower when company comes. You’ve gotta check in there before you turn it on or you will incite the wrath of mom.
— JackD (@theJackDotson) April 26, 2018
My family kept the bread in an actual bread box on the counter. My husband was raised keeping bread in the fridge. I’m still not sure one which is “normal”? lol
— Chrissy Smith (@chrissy_smithy_) April 26, 2018
Every Christmas my dad put marshmallows in the toilet and told my sister and I that Santa had pooped at our house
— courtney (@c00kc0) April 30, 2018
Read the rest of the Twitter thread - via Scary Mommy
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