Archive for April 26th, 2018

Street Style for the Sensitive German Renaissance Man

Matthäus Schwarz had a passion for clothing, particularly any historical fashions he could find documentation on. That wasn't much in 1520 in Augsburg, Germany. Schwarz began to document his own garments at age 23 b...

Snowstorm on a Comet

We followed the adventures of the Rosetta spacecraft as it approached and sent the Philae Lander onto the surface of comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The European Space Agency (ESA) is just now releasing substantial dat...

10,000-year-old Tracks Document Battle Between Humans and Giant Sloths

At Alkali Flat, a site near White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, scientists are studying ancient footprints to reconstruct a hunting party of Pleistocene humans as they fought against giant ground sloths.“M...

A Bad Lip Reading of Mark Zuckerberg's Congressional Testimony

[] (YouTube link)The people behind Bad Lip Reading have gotten really good at what they do. In this retelling of Mark Zuckerberg's (or Bojane Bugabe's) congressional testimony, the lips match...

The Mysterious Life and Death of Frank Meyer, the Man Behind Meyer Lemons

Frank N. Meyer had a passion for plants, and a passion for walking, which took him on treks across entire nations. He found his niche when the USDA's Office of Seed and Plant Introduction sent him to China to find plants...

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