Archive for April 16th, 2018

The Shady Gray Diamond Optical Illusion

[] (YouTube clip by MasikBon Origami Paper Crafts) So. What color is that diamond-shaped piece of paper? Give up? The secret is revealed below:...

Math is Beautiful

Go on, whip out that calculator and confirm the mathemagical equation above. From @Pickover. math, equation, mathemagical...

Surreal Photography of Erik Johansson

Image: Erik Johansson We've featured some of Erik Johansson's surreal photography before on Neatorama, but I just came across this 2010 interview of the Swedish photographer by Matilda Battersby of T...

Water Bags Glass Sculptures by Dylan Martinez

Image: Dylan Martinez A bunch of plastic bags filled with water? Tricked ya! Those are actually hollow and solid glass sculptures by Dylan Martinez titled "H20/SiO2." Gorgeous!glass, sculpt...

Should You Tip Before The Meal?

(Image: Monkey Business Image/Shutterstock) You've experience this before: after you place your order, the cashier smiles at you and turn the touchscreen to face you to reveal a tip option. How...

15 Real-Life Family Secrets

Buzzfeed solicited its readers for family secrets and got a ton of stories in return. As you might expect, many of them involve extramarital affairs and children with secret paternity. But some of them could be movie plo...

The Murderous Mermaid

In modern pop culture, mermaids are benign and often romantic creatures of the sea who readily find happiness in the company of humans, as in The Little Mermaid, The Shape of Water, and even Aquaman. Bu...

Retro Camper Birdhouse

Etsy vendor 1Man1Garage designs and makes all kinds of flat-pack kits for a bit of household whimsy, including this lovely birdhouse that resembles a vintage camper trailer. Punch out the pieces and assemble them, and yo...

Why Do Bridesmaids Traditionally Wear the Same Dress?

If you've ever been a bridesmaid in a large wedding, you know for sure that you don't ever wear the same dress again. What the question refers to is multiple bridesmaids wearing matching dresses to that...

The Swimming Lesson

[] (YouTube link)When a raccoon invades your swimming pool, you may as well put him to work -as a swimming instructor! La Piscine (The Swimming Lesson) is the latest from Faireset and his magn...

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