(Image credit: Kitty Kay Sera)
The Pink Ladies were a gang in the musical Grease, and a Pink Lady is a drink, but Kitten Kay Sera is THE Pink Lady. The Pink Lady of Hollywood has lived a pink life for 40 years. Everything in her home is pink, her hair is pink, she dresses in pink, and her dog Miss Kisses is pink, too, a result of beet juice dye. Sera was recently given the title of "World's Pinkest Person" by Ripley's Believe It Or Not.
‘I consider myself proudly to be a pink flamingo in a world of pigeons,’ she says, adding: ”I am the world’s pinkest person and my life is devoted to that color. Some people think I am weird but frankly, I am fierce and fabulous.’
Read about Kitty Kay Sera and see more pictures at Do You Remember. She's also got plenty of pink pictures at Instagram. -via Fark
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