America's Quietest Routes

Have you ever wanted to go on a road trip and have the road to yourself? It might be possible, or at least you can find the road less traveled with this interactive map. Pull up the least-traveled road in your state, and see if it's anywhere near you. GeoTab compiled the least-traveled roads in each state, according to data from the Department of Transportation. They all appear to be paved, which would exclude some very quiet routes I know in Kentucky. The small print says, "The data covers Interstates, US Routes, and State Routes over 10 miles long." Okay then. In addition to the interactive map, there's a list of the ten most scenic of these quiet routes. If you choose to take a road trip on any of them, you will want to gas up, have a spare tire and jack, and maybe take snacks, because some of them cover many miles.  -vias Digg

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This is yet another Unresearched clickbait website. Constructed by one guy who faked his way through it.
Nebraska - 71 is on the opposite side of the state from where shown on the map
North Dakota - Ft. Yates to Solen listed as 211 miles actual 34

Try checking the clickbait before wasting our time
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