Archive for March 21st, 2018

Vermont's Witch Windows

An architectural oddity that is almost exclusively found in Vermont is the "witch window." These are windows mounted on a slant, just under the roof line of a house. They are sometimes referred to as "Vermont windows" (f...

Unheard of Instruments in the Saxophone Family

Have you ever seen a slide saxophone? Or a Conn-o-sax? Those are just a couple of the rare saxophones in the collection of Dr. Paul Cohen, who plays, writes about, and collects unusual saxophones. Here he shows off his i...

Flag Waver

Here's an online generator that lets you put any picture you like on a flag and watch it wave! Try Flag Waver with an image URL from any webpage, or upload your own picture. I don't see any option to save your creation i...

Kindergarten Weather Report

Carden Corts got a assignment in his kindergarten class to make a weather forecast video. His dad, Charlie Corts, helped a little. Charlie's career is in video production. It's adorable, but wait until the subject shifts...

22-Year-Old Creates 3D Scanner That Can Diagnose Heart Disease In 90 Seconds

Adults head to the emergency room all the time thinking they're having a heart attack when they're actually just dealing with muscle pain, severe heartburn, high blood pressure symptoms or anxiety.In fact, only 6% of adu...

America's Quietest Routes

Have you ever wanted to go on a road trip and have the road to yourself? It might be possible, or at least you can find the road less traveled with this interactive map. Pull up the least-traveled road in your state, and...


Bringing a pile of bones to life can be dangerous business, and necromancy is not recommended for young wizards who have never dealt with dark forces.But if the skeleton is named Lazybones then there probably isn't much...

A Literal Hidden Figure

The movie Hidden Figures focused on the contributions of NASA mathematicians, engineers, and computer programmers who weren't recognized because they were black women. A literal example of the phrase was found i...

Sexy Textin'

Sexting is a thing horny people do that involves sending each other pictures of their genitalia and talk about what they want to do to each other with their naughty bits, but sexy textin' is something completely differen...

If I Fits, I Sits

We know cats are liquid, as they take the shape of their container. And cats love any kind of container: boxes, dishes, shelves, closets, bags, or whatever they can get into. A cat's definitinon of "container" is pretty...

Rare Ferrari Daytona Found In Japanese Barn

It's crazy how many super rare cars are found sitting in barns, hidden and often untouched for decades after a car collector stashed them there for safe keeping.These barn finds make auto enthusiasts drool, since they ge...

Alexa Ruins Families

Lauren Lorenzo of eLL cartoons recorded her family trying to explain how to use the Amazon Echo personal assistant. To activate it, you have to say "Alexa" first. But if you tell that to Grandma, you will activate it you...

Celebrity Career Highlights And Lowlights

It's safe to say celebrities like being admired by the general public and having fans who adore them, or else they wouldn't hire publicists to keep them in the public eye. It's also safe to say they don't like to dwell o...

The Gym - Everybody Knows About It But Few Have Actually Paid It A Visit

The Gym by pigboomTommy doesn't have any fitness training or experience, he hasn't won any bodybuilding competitions and he's never been referred to as "very fit", but Tommy has something that makes The Gym better tha...

The Restroom is for Customers Only

This comic has three different punch lines. You can stop the story after six panels. Or nine panels. Or twelve panels. But you only notice that later, after you've made sure that our protagonist got to relieve himself af...

What Happens During A Stroke?

The symptoms of a heart attack or seizure are pretty easy to identify and therefore it's easy to tell what kind of help the victim needs to survive, but when someone's having a stroke it's really hard to diagnose and eve...

Monkey Business: The Marx Brothers Laugh Fest

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.The year was 1931 and the four Marx Brothers (Groucho, Harpo, Chico and...

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