An Uphill Climb is a Fool's Errand

The roads were covered with ice, and most folks in Swanage, Dorset, UK, knew that it would be useless to try to drive up this fairly steep hill. So they walked instead. Or tried to. It's a case of one step forward and ten steps back. They should have worn their Yaktrax on that day. At least they aren't rolling a rock uphill, like Sisyphus.

(YouTube link)

Paul Dubbelman, the guy recording the video is obviously warm and dry in his home upstairs, and feels free to laugh at their misery. His description is "The Swanage ice dancing team getting in some practise for the next winter Olympics". Since most of it is silent, here's a recommended soundtrack.  -via Boing Boing

A few years ago we visited my wife's aunt and uncle in KS. An ice storm came through that evening. The next day a pickup truck slide off the crown of the road and over the curb. I was so thrilled, as I had my pull-on ice cleats with me. I slapped them on, walked down the ice-covered street, and help push the pickup back in the road. These blokes surely needed something like .
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I recall, after an ice storm in Portland, OR, seeing a municipal bus skidding down an icy hill. It was terrifying.

Those guys, on the other hand, must be on their way to one hell of a pub at the top of the hill.
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