Guns Explained With Cats

Firearms are understandably a hot button issue in America these days, and while everyone is shooting their mouths off about guns the guns themselves are sitting around waiting to kill again.

Oh wait, I had that backwards, the saying goes "guns don't kill people, people kill people". And yet this saying gets us no closer to figuring out what to do about guns, so maybe this animated short by ItsAlexClark will solve the entire problem and squash the debate forever! *wink*

(YouTube Link)

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The police cats in Australia kill about 10 people per year. The police cats in the US, who are let off leash more quickly in part because Americans have more cats than in Australia, kill about about 400 per year. Scaling by population, the Australian cats kill about 130 people per year, so the police cats in the US are more dangerous. The cat breeders and cat lovers don't want us to know these cat statistics, so pushed for the Dickey Amendment to keep the US from collecting them.
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To start, there are places with cat bans. For an example from New Zealand, . Second, who are the "wrong people" we want to not have guns? Does it include police whose rules-of-engagement allow them to shoot people more freely than the US military in Afghanistan? (I'm thinking of the death of Ronald D. Williams.) Does it include all the people who are so ill-trained that they shoot themselves and others when cleaning their weapon? Nor does this cat metaphor extend to the racism in gun violence and rights.
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Let me be the first to say: What do you do about the sweet, loveable old lady who just doesn't like cats of any kind, at all? She got scratched when she was three, and for the last eighty years, she's advocated at every opportunity that ALL Cats should be rounded up, and ground up into dog food. And some neighbourhoods have actually listened to her, notably around the corner in Australia. And all the cat-lovers there were really surprised when one day, they were ordered (Ordered! in a democratic country!) to bring their cats down to the grinder. Of course, some tough guys hid their cats and never gave them up. And now, nobody who loves cats in that place can have one, and the only ones left are the bad face-scratchers. And it's a bigger problem than it ever was.
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