Archive for March 12th, 2018

It's Not A Moon

The folks from Bad Lip Reading have been making songs out of their ridiculously loose lip readings lately, and here's another one. This song is based on (but not limited to) the early scenes in Star Wars Episode IV*/...

Prom and Homecoming Royalty of the 1970s

Look at all that hair! Fashion in the 1970s was all about the hair. When high school and college students went all out for their formal dances or homecoming courts, some of the women reverted back to the earlier bouffant...

Only Slightly Exaggerated

Ah, what a lovely fantasy, to ride a tulip-covered rabbit on an adventure to a verdant land featuring nothing but the best nature can offer. It's magical! The description of this video says, Based on actual events. More...

When Shoes Were Rationed

During World War II, consumer goods were restricted so that materials could be used for the military. This included food staples like sugar and butter, and most metals. It also applied to shoes. From February 1943 to Oct...

Death Metal - Bow To The Furry God Of Metal

Death Metal by YeldarBand shirts are standard gear for music lovers, and having shirts from the same artists who created the cover art for your favorite album is a cool way to show love for both the band and the artis...

Tommy Wiseau’s Joker Audition Tape

Tommy Wiseau, the auteur responsible for The Room, is doing his best to stretch his 15 minutes of fame with a whirlwind publicity push for the Blue-Bay release of The Disaster Artist. He's done funny vi...

Here's a Playlist of Songs You Know But You Can’t Name

A discussion at Ask Metafilter encouraged Mefites to contribute examples of songs that everyone recognizes when they hear them, but can't name. Some of them are opera songs covered in a classic Neatorama article from yea...

Varieties Of Hot Tea Everyone Should Try

Sometimes a cup of hot tea seems to warm both your heart and soul, as the relaxing wave of warmth soothes your spirit and calms you from within.Those who find comfort in a cup of tea tend to stick with their favorite var...

Faithful Dog Waits for Owner Outside Hospital for Months

A homeless man was stabbed and taken to Santa Casa de Novo Horizonte hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His dog chased the ambulance to the hospital, and waited outside the entrance. The man soon died of his injuries, but th...

One Punch Man Animator Tries Animating Lightsaber Battle Scene From The Phantom Menace

Animators often practice animating action sequences by creating a hand-drawn version of a live action movie scene, the more dynamic motion in the scene the better.So when Arifumi Imai, the talented animator who has worke...

12 Surprising Effects of Daylight Saving Time

America went on Daylight Saving Time over the weekend, and now on Monday, workers across the country are feeling tired and cranky. For people who have to wake up at a particular time to get to work or school, the effects...

Fisherman Fred

Most fisherfolks find the act of baiting a hook, casting it out and reeling it in to be very relaxing, and as long as they're able to chill out they consider every fishing trip a success, whether they catch anything or n...

BBC Dad, One Year Later

It's been a year since the BBC interviewed Professor Robert Kelly of Pusan University on the impeachment of the South Korean president. His political reporting was totally overwhelmed by the grand entrance of his swagger...

I'm Bald But At Least I Have Ears!

When you're bald the lack of hair on your head is all some people seem to notice, thinking of you as "that bald guy" rather than bothering to get to know your name so you can be "that bald guy named Jim".But at least the...

Bentley Does His Business

(vimeo link)Bentley the goldendoodle is a good boy. He always goes outside to pee. But I think he has some security issues about it. He always takes a toy with him. Or a towel, a blanket, or something that will give him...

Pin-Up Pool - WTF?! Why Are My Eyes Bleeding?

Pin-Up Pool by kalgadoWade Wilson was never all that cool, a fact most of his nerdy friends enjoyed about him, but when he became the unkillable merc Deadpool he started acting like he was too cool for school- and tha...

7 Truly Odd Monuments

(Image credit: Knowledge)The following article is from the book Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader.Tired of your standard boring, run-of-the-mill monument to some dead president? Then try one of thes...

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