Archive for March 11th, 2018

Vintage Photos Of Cool Kids Skateboarding In The 1960s

Skateboarding in the 60s was a totally freestyle affair, so your fellow skaters wouldn't look down upon you for cruising downhill while sitting on your board, but just like today skating was something you did with friend...

2018 Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team

"All hockey hair innovation happens in the pomade plains here in Minnesota."  It is the dream of every hight school hockey player in Minnesota to be included in the All Hockey Hair Team. It may even be more import...

Top 10 Hilariously Awful Movie Fights

Movie fights are usually over the top scenes involving stuff being smashed, characters that cannot be knocked out and more sweet moves than an MMA match, which is apparently how most audiences like them to be.However, in...

1980 German Disco Star Wars Christmas

In 1980, Mark Hamill was dispatched to appear on a German TV show as part of the promotion for The Empire Strikes Back. Someone dug out a clip and posted it on Twitter.   Mark Hamill singing in German, 198...

Dog The Munchkin Cat Likes To Wear Costumes

Cats look comically cool in costumes yet have a hard time keeping their cool while dressed up, but some kitties actually seem to enjoy wearing costumes, like this adorable Scottish fold munchkin cat named "Dog". A pos...

Measuring a Pothole Goes Wrong

Everyone hates potholes, and you want the one that you have to drive over to be repaired. But with limited funds, government entities have to prioritize. Only the worst ones get fixed. Cheshire West and Chester Council i...

Dia De Los Tacos

For some tacos are more than just a fun food product in a folded tortilla- they're an obsession, a passion, the perfect food loved by everyone and always in style.And yet some taco trucks out there struggle to sell their...

A Precise Slice

Oof. I should have seen that one coming, but I did not. I was expecting some humorous but insightful punch line about whether the robot was actually autonomous or not. Well done. This is the latest comic from Alex Culang...

The World's Strongest Man Reveals What He Eats In A Day

Our bodies are built to derive energy from food, and we all need to take in a different amount of calories each day to keep our bodies functioning properly and give us all the energy we need.Therefore the more physically...

Fantastic Ghibli - The Most Magical Beasts

Fantastic Ghibli by LanfaTeesMister Scamander's amazing magical suitcase holds all the fantastic beasts he has ever been able to capture within it, but there's one group of creatures he has never been able to capture-...

After the Vet

(Image credit: schmerbert)Cats and dogs are often high on life, but that is nothing compared to being high on drugs. It's nice to be able to laugh at goofy pictures of cats and dogs, and also know that they are okay, and...

We Spin The Wheel Of Fortitude Every Time We're Online

You can find lots of positive and inspiring stories online, posts that push you to be a better person and look on the bright side of life, but those stories are sadly few and far between.More often than not the stuff we...

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