Archive for February 28th, 2018

Woman Discovers As An Adult That Her Family Has Been Running From The Mafia Her Entire Life

We often discover some really strange facts about our family's past when we reach adulthood, as all the truths that our parents kept from us when we were young are revealed.These revelations about our relatives often fil...

The Surprising Stories of Sesame Street

Did you watch Sesame Street in its first season, back in 1969? You might have seen a grouchy orange monster named Oscar. Yeah, he was orange, but somehow turned green for the second season and he's been green ev...

67-year-old Albatross Hatches Egg

In 1956, an albatross was tagged in Hawaii. She was estimated to be five years old at the time, and she came to be known as Wisdom. She is the world's oldest banded bird, and is still doing her part to replenish the worl...

Precious Ring - Love Makes People Do Crazy Things

Precious Ring by daletheskater Some people lose their minds over material possessions, but the poor hobbit who became the creature known as Gollum takes the cake in terms of materialism- because he fell madly in...

Pick The Better Horror Movie And We'll Guess Your Darkest Secret

How many horror movies have you seen? All of them? Then you probably have some idea about what makes a movie frightening. The things that scare you can be quite revealing.In fact, we think we can figure out your most emb...

Subjective Reality

What is reality, anyway? It is different for different people? Is it different for the various components of the self? While Brain is busy overthinking it, Heart is busy experiencing it. Heart's reality is nothing like B...

Emo Kids Give Their Parents A Makeover

They say to truly understand someone you've got to walk a mile in their shoes, but when it comes to understanding Emo kids you've gotta trade the shoes in for guyliner, some black hair dye and a lip ring to truly underst...

Bijlmer, City of the Future

A group of artists and architects attending the 1933 International Congress of Modern Architecture (CAIM) dreamed of designing the perfect modern city to serve the people living there. They imagined that a planned utopia...

Gâteau Gato, the Chocolate Cat Zoetrope

Gâteau Gato means "cat cake," but this is much more. Artist Alexandre Dubosc (previously at Neatorama) created a beautiful chocolate zoetrope that displays animated cats! Yeah, how could anyone combine chocolate ca...

She's Got Legs

You know that ZZ Top song "Legs"? Well Ariel the mermaid has legs now and she knows how to use them, only she forgot to specify what kind of legs she wanted so Ursula the sea witch stuck her with some sexy crab legs.She...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about On the Waterfront

The 1954 film On the Waterfront was about crime and corruption in a gangster-controlled longshoremen's union in New Jersey. The plot centered around rising star Marlon Brando as a young boxer and dock worker who...

Sometimes Even Monsters Can Experience Shyness Too

Nobody is born shy, but as we grow older we find more and more reasons to be bashful and insecure, and for some that shyness can be downright crippling.But it's hard to imagine a monster dealing with a crippling case of...

Thelma and Louise: The First Female Buddy Picture

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Callie Khouri, a 30-year-old music-video line producer, was driving hom...

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