Archive for February 23rd, 2018

Rube Goldberg Trick Shot Machine

The Harlem Globetrotters basketball team collaborated with Georgia Tech to produce a Rube Goldberg contraption that makes basketball trick shots! Georgia Tech's School of Industrial Design built the machine, and their Sc...

The Reckoning

The first Europeans in Papua New Guinea settled on the coastline, and thought that the mountainous interior was uninhabitable, until the 1930s, when Michael, James, and Daniel Leahy went there to mine gold. They found hu...

Unanswered Questions About The Donkey Kong Timeline

I've always wondered how two of the most popular characters in the world of video games, Mario and Donkey Kong, found themselves at odds, considering most of the DK games cast him as a hero and Mario is a good guy too. S...

Deals with the Devil: A Brief Musical History

You've probably heard about how Robert Johnson met the devil at the crossroads in Mississippi and sold his soul for the ability to play guitar better than anyone before. Johnson let folks believe that if they wanted, and...

Poignant Portraits Of Endangered Animals

It's hard for some people to understand the value of an animal's life until they come face to face with that animal, because the animals they encounter in the human world are either pets or pests.Because of this detachme...

PES Makes a Taco

You know the animator who goes by PES from masterpieces like Fresh Guacamole and Western Spaghetti and other works of art. Now we see what he looks like and how he works. In this video, he picks up some eclectic finds fr...

Tavern Logo - You've Got A Face For Radio Moe!

Tavern logo by Buby87 You'd think a guy with the last name Sizlack would have style, or at very least a charming personality, but Moe lacks style and personality and serves up some of the most horrendous drinks....


Runaway is a fearful word associated with the loss of a child or pet who runs away from home or losing control of a train as it barrels down the tracks.The latter is less frightening than the former unless you're aboard...

How Hollywood Salaries Really Work

Should Hollywood actors be paid 1. a fair wage for the work involved, 2. a percentage of what the movie makes, if they were hired for their star power, 3. whatever it takes to hire that star power, or 4. as little as the...

Guy Writes A Hilarious Breakup Letter To His Gym

It's nearly March and nearly spring, so that means it's time for the undedicated New Year's Resolutioners to give up their newfound active lifestyle and stop going to the gym.Some will lie about it to their friends and l...


It looks like Carroll Spinney is playing both ends in this vintage photograph! But you can hardly blame him for not completely changing between scenes when he had to play two roles. Spinney played both Big Bird and Oscar...

Weird Gender Reveal Cakes

(Image source: Parker Molloy)Now that sonograms for pregnant women are common, a new tradition has evolved called the "gender reveal party," in which the family, and often the parents, find out for the first time whether...

The Ring in Augmented Reality

Oh, what a brave new world our inventors and engineers have developed for us! If they can't solve world hunger or bring peace among nations, at least they can scare the living daylights out of us. Programmer Abhishek Sin...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Big Short

The Big Short sounds like an oxymoron, but it's also the name of a 2015 film about the real estate bubble that led to the 2007-08 financial crash. Despite the dry and depressing subject matter, The Big Short...

Not Knowing What Colors Look Like

Brooke Swanson was always color blind, but of course she didn't know that as a child, because you don't miss what you've never had. Still, it was difficult for her to use crayons if the labels were torn off. When she was...

If The Walking Dead Theme Had Lyrics

The Walking Dead returns this Sunday night, after a three month break in the middle of season eight. If you've ever heard the show's opening theme, you know that it's not the sort of song that lends itself to ly...

Dress to Oppress

(Image credit: Wellcome Images)Dear A.J., I’m in a friend’s wedding this fall, and she’s requested that all the bridesmaids wear Spanx. Do I have to? I hate the way they feel. -Sarah in Baltimore*/e...

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