Husband Writes Passive Aggressive Note To Wife About Her Bathroom Habits

Discussing "the bathroom situation" is usually enough to resolve it before it gets out of hand, and if the one causing the situation needs a little push then their partner should work with them to get them on track.

But you should never ever leave a letter like Rosie's husband did because it makes you look spineless and you may not like the nasty letter you receive in return.

Rosie's husband left the wonderful letter "RE: The Bathroom" on the bathroom mirror for his wife to find, and it started off nice enough:

‘Babe can you remember 20 days ago, you said, ‘babe, I know my bathroom habits really piss you off, but I am gong to change this year I promise!’ Unfortunately, not much has changed.

‘In fact, it’s worse, to the point that I now suffer from Bathroom Surprise Anxiety.

But then Rosie's dear old hubbie went off, which is an understatement considering he got anal about covering all the bases, from the drawers to the toothpaste to the towels to the trash bin:

‘You have 4 drawers and I have 1. Do you have some sort of drawer FOMO that incites you to invade my only drawer area? Granted I do have the top drawer vanity – and this is so I don’t have to bend down as far to get MY things: remember I am 6ft effing 6, compared to your 5ft 7, and I have 2 titanium hips, so bending isn’t my strong point.’

‘The toothpaste: how effing hard is it to put the lid back on the tube so that the next person (i.e. me) comes along to use it and it’s not dry and congealed like roadkill. Do we need his and hers toothpaste?? If I didn’t love you quite as much I may be tempted to sabotage the toothpaste with some foreign matter (use your imagination) to teach you a lesson.

He wrote: ‘Bath towels: they belong on hooks not on the floor! For your well-educated benefit, the Oxford Concise dictionary defines HOOK as the device that protrudes from the wall for you to hang things on.’

‘Bathroom bin: tell me honestly, do you believe in some sort of bathroom bin fairy? We have been together 8 years = 416 weeks, with the bin emptied once a week by me = 416 by me and donuts, zero, Roy Orbinson by you – any chance babe?”

Read more at Metro

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