The 1990 crime comedy Quick Change starred Bill Murray, Geena Davis, Randy Quaid, and Jason Robards. Murray robs a Manhattan bank dressed as a clown, and then deals with multiple difficulties trying to get away from the city. The movie didn't make much money, even though some critics said it was Bill Murray's best role yet. In case that tempts you to dig Quick Change out to watch on home video, you can first learn some trivia about the film.
10. Bill Murray stated that New Yorkers would really identify with this movie.
He believed that it showed them just how messed up their city could be at times. Strangely this statement was met with more approval than anything.
9. This is the only movie that Murray directed.
After the original director bowed out and no one else could be found he couldn’t make a decision on who to ask so he went ahead and did it himself.
There's more about Quick Change at TVOM.
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