Archive for February 19th, 2018

Cat Playing Behind the TV

FutonSpecialOps shared this picture of his cat. What do you see? At first glance, I thought they had a transparent TV. No, that's a human body! Oh yeah, his wife took the picture, and that's her reflection. She just thou...

An Olympic Halfpipe Run You Won't See Again

The Olympics in PyeongChang saw something really unusual today- a halfpipe performance with absolutely no tricks. Half-pipe skiing has been a Winter Olympic event only since 2014. Elizabeth Swaney is an American skier co...

The POW Olympics of World War II

The Olympic Games were canceled in 1940 and 1944 due to World War II, but athletic competitions went on just the same -in POW camps. The German POW camp called Oflag II-C camp staged what they called the Woldenberg Olymp...

Dolly Said No To Elvis

Dolly Parton is an acclaimed singer, yet few outside the country music world know her as a songwriter. If she had never sung a note, she'd be a rich woman for a little tune called "I Will Always Love You." Dolly recorded...

Can You Name These Cartoon Characters?

People can select from hundreds of channels of TV, but only a small fraction of those show cartoons, and the major channels only have one or two animated series at a time. That means you can still peg someone's age by th...

Pixel Art Game Scenes Based On Popular Movies And TV Shows

It's funny how much cooler scenes from movies and TV shows look when we picture them in our minds, because our imagination and memory fill in the blanks and put characters together even if they don't appear in the scene....

Fortress Of Solitude - No Humans Allowed

Fortress of Solitude by Hillary WhiteCats like to be the center of attention, running around the house breaking stuff and making a scene so their humans can see how cool they are, but when our kitties don't feel like...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Quick Change

The 1990 crime comedy Quick Change starred Bill Murray, Geena Davis, Randy Quaid, and Jason Robards. Murray robs a Manhattan bank dressed as a clown, and then deals with multiple difficulties trying to get away...

Dance Moves For Shy People

Lots of people are shy about their dancing skills, so if you're hesitant to break out your patented brand of footloose fun in front of strangers then you're not alone. In fact, the only reason so many people go out on th...

Spider-Man's Dance Moves

Spider-Man doesn't spend all his time fighting crime. Every once in a while, he has to go out and pick up a few things at the store. And if there's a good song playing, he gets the urge to dance!(YouTube link)YouTuber Gh...

Every Reason Bruce Banner Hulks Out On The Classic The Incredible Hulk TV Series

There's a big difference between the Hulk in the Marvel movies and the one from the classic TV show The Incredible Hulk, and that difference is Lou Ferrigno- the mighty man who portrayed Bruce's angry green alter ego.Lou...

Russian Curling Doping Scandal

Competing under a neutral flag, curlers Anastasia Bryzgalova and Alexander Krushelnitsky win first medal for curling in #Russia history at #Pyeonchang2018— The M...

The Chinese Zodiac Explained

The Chinese New Year fell on February 16th this year, which means it's officially the Year Of The Dog and a good year for wearing purple and smelling the roses but a bad year for those born on a Dog year.Over a quarter o...

The Insect That Painted Europe Red

Dye makers have been in search of materials that would produce rich, vibrant colors throughout history. There was a lot of money to be made! And when a better dye came along, or one that was easier to make, it instantly...

Husband Writes Passive Aggressive Note To Wife About Her Bathroom Habits

Discussing "the bathroom situation" is usually enough to resolve it before it gets out of hand, and if the one causing the situation needs a little push then their partner should work with them to get them on track.But y...

Inside the Quest to Make Lab Grown Meat

No one is serving lab-grown meat yet, but scientists are working on it. Would you eat it? It seems "unnatural" to eat an animal that could still be alive, but how is that worse than eating an animal that is dead? We have...

How a Pile of Unpaid Bills Led to Washington, D.C.

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Canoramic Bathroom Reader.You probably know that the “D.C.” in Washington, D.C., stands for “District of Columbia” and that the...

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