20 Insane Facts About Your Spending Habits

Holy cow, that's wasteful! The latest "pictofacts" post at Cracked tackles weird spending habits. Many of them have huge totals for what we spend money on, possibly because so many people are buying something. After all, there are 350 million Americans. But not all the facts are about Americans.

What's so weird about that? Clothing costs more over there, and Europeans aren't expected to spend money on their health, it's a government benefit. What's weird is how much Americans spend on health care. See all twenty submitted facts at Cracked.

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I have a daughter living in France, and the price differences are insane. She's as close to other countries as I am to other states, but it costs her way more to travel to them. Shipping is expensive, but it's still cheaper for me to mail her clothing than for her to buy new stuff. They make up for it by saving on health care and tuition, but that's no help for temporary residents.
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