Archive for February 6th, 2018

The Difference Between Introverts and Extroverts

There are two kinds of people in this world: extroverts who socialize with others, and introverts who prefer to be alone. Except that isn't true at all. The rift between the two is way more complicated, and you can't rea...

How Humans Sank New Orleans

The Mississippi Delta was destined to become the site of a big city. The Mississippi River was the method of transport for raw materials, people, and supplies for a large part of the U.S. and New Orleans became its sea p...

How People In Different Physical States See The World

Everybody sees the world a little bit differently, and aside from the effect of our mental state the physical state we're in affects our vision in weird ways too, making our own unique view of the world even more unique....

The First Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout cookies are not made from real Girl Scouts, but the first cookies they sold were made by real Girl Scouts. The sole recipe, published in 1922, was for sugar cookies, simple and fairly cheap.  &nb...

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch

SpaceX launched the most powerful rocket on earth from Cape Canaveral today. The Falcon Heavy contains 27 engines producing five million pounds of thrust at liftoff. The launch was conducted from launchpad LC-39A at Kenn...

As Seen On TV Products That Are Worth The Money

Commercials for As Seen On TV products are often laughably bad, and the products themselves tend to be shoddily made overpriced junk that falls apart or flat out doesn't work as advertised.But when the products work well...

Forever Young - Some Characters Are Truly Timeless

Forever Young by Getsousa!There has never been a bad boy quite like Bart, and even though decades have passed since we were first introduced to Bart he's still the baddest boy on the block- and we wouldn't have it any...

The Runaway Beach Ball

How much fun could a 12-foot inflatable beach ball be? Sol Coastal sells one through Amazon, if you want to start saving up for summer fun. But reviewers let us know that it takes a long time to inflate unless you have a...

Hilarious Drug Ad For Adults Suffering From PAR*ENT*ING

Parents are always looking for some rest and relief from their busy and stressful lives, so they head out to happy hour after work or send the kids off for a night or two on the weekend so they can relax and decompress.H...

Seeking Validation

Artists, writers, content creators, everyone down the grocery store stock clerk and Mom making dinner, we all put our hearts and souls into what we do, because it's what we do. A little appreciation goes a long way, even...

The Legend Behind The Real Sword In The Stone

(Image Link)The sword in the stone lies at the center of the King Arthur story, serving as both the instrument of fate that allowed him to assume the throne and his introduction to the supernatural world.But King Arthur'...

Original Concept for The Force Awakens Opening Scene

The continuation of the Star Wars saga in the Disney era went through a lot of changes from concept to screen. JJ Abrams revealed his original storyboards for The Force Awakens, which had a different op...

A Piece of the Berlin Wall Survives

As of yesterday, the Berlin Wall has been down longer than it stood. The lines were laid down on August 13, 1961, to separate West Berlin (which was part of free West Germany) from East Berlin and the surrounding Eastern...

The Adventures Of Super Mario Cat And Luigi

Mario always looked cuter and more approachable when he was wearing an animal costume, so casting a cat to play Mario in a live action Super Mario Bros. short is a brilliant idea.Then they cast a cat as the damsel in dis...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie Benji

The 1974 film Benji is about a cute stray dog who ends up a hero when he foils a kidnapping plot. A wholesome film about a nondescript dog didn't seem cool in 1974, and producer/writer/director Joe Camp couldn't...

10 Geektastic Pairs of Nerdy Shoes

You can wear your heart on your sleeve, and you can wear your fandom on your feet! While you sit at your desk in everyday office attire, under that desk you have a piece of Doctor Who or a comic book superhero w...

Strange Psychology/Philosophy Questions

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!Research About Questions That Might Strike You As Being Strangecom...

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