Since I'm not all that sure what the exact statute of limitations is on Star Wars spoilers, I'll be a little cryptic about a Twitter thread that's proved to be extremely popular. Twitter user @rachlikesbands took the only substantial lightsaber fight scene in The Last Jedi and set it to popular songs. Lots of them. The first three are full songs, but then they got shorter and more numerous because of the time involved. Then other people started contributing more songs! They range from Britney Spears to Led Zeppelin to Hamilton to Cardi B to the Duck Tales theme. You can see dozens of them in this ever-growing thread at Twitter, or a roundup of a few at The Daily Dot. Continue reading to see a couple of examples. You'll need to toggle the volume.
Rey & Kylo Ren fighting the Praetorian Guards to "Beat It" by Michael Jackson
— Christy Jerz (@Jerzebel) January 27, 2018
— Cinepokatstar (@ReyBenSolo1) January 27, 2018
And just because we are Neatorama, here's that song we all know and love.
Rey & Kylo Ren fighting the Praetorian Guards to "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph.
— Joel (@JoelNihlean) January 27, 2018
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