Cat Turns A New Leaf

Ben has a tortoiseshell cat named Baloo. Baloo loves Ben and wants to give him things, but Ben did not really appreciate the mice and birds that Baloo brought him. He would release the critters back outside. 

Seeing how unappreciative Ben seemed to be about her hard-earned gifts, Baloo was perplexed.

“She always looked so confused and sad, which made me feel pretty bad,” Ben said.

But Baloo is a resourceful cat. She tried a whole new tactic, and brought Ben a large leaf. He loved that idea, and he played with the leaf, so she started bringing a new leaf in every morning- the biggest, prettiest leaf she could find. You can read the story of Baloo and her leaves in its entirety, and see plenty of pictures at The Dodo. -via Nag on the Lake

(Images credit: mostlyjustpicturesofmycats)

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I love this! My cat brings me geckos, and I go to a lot of trouble to make sure he doesn't realise that I grab them and let them go outside (I don't want to hurt his feelings!) Maybe I should let him know that lizards aren't what I need...
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