The 2016 thriller The Girl on the Train stars Emily Blunt as a divorced alcoholic who spends her time riding a train to spy on the people from her former, happier life. She witnesses events that might -or might not- be evidence in a murder. She tries to piece the mystery together, which puts her in danger, but her drinking habit make her memory unreliable. The movie was a box office hit, and Blunt received critical praise for her role. But there are things you might not know about The Girl on the Train.
10. Emily Blunt was pregnant when they started shooting.
She didn’t tell anyone except one of her costars and by the time the film was done shooting she was five months along, and she had to tell them since her bump was quite noticeable.
9. Blunt would wear bloodshot contacts and cheek prostheses.
This was to give her the look of being severely inebriated and to make certain that it looked like the alcoholism had affected her in some way.
Find out more about The Girl on the Train at TVOM.