Archive for January 25th, 2018

The First Cat to Cross Over the New Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge, which was called the East River Bridge at the time, opened to traffic on May 24, 1883. Newspapers were full of the festivities, and recorded the people who had the honor of being the first to travel...

What If Your Airplane Door Burst Open Mid-Flight?

It's something you think about every time you get on an airline flight. What if the door opens while we're flying? What if something were to affect the structural integrity of the plane? Our paranoid thoughts go to that...

Rude Demodog - One Totally Crude Toon With An Unhealthy Appetite For Cats

Rude Demodog by ClayGrahamArtThe strange events that transpired in Hawkins, Indiana back in 1985 somehow ended up being a good thing, as the creatures from the bleak Upside Down got to live on our much greener side an...

Predator and Prey on the Savannah

A study from the Royal Veterinary College in the UK takes us to the plains of Africa, where a team studied the athleticism of predator and prey. They put biometric collars on five cheetahs, seven impala, nine lions, and...

Candide Thovex Sans la Neige

We've posted videos of professional skier Candide Thovex before, and they are always impressive. But the amazing Alpine skier doesn't even need snow to impress us![] (YouTube link)Watch him sk...

New Study Finds Dogs May Eat Poop Because Of Their Ancestors

(Image Link)Finding out your dog eats poop is one of the most disgusting discoveries a dog owner can make, and most owners can't look at their dog in the same light, or let their dog lick their face, after seeing them sn...

Say It, But Don't Say It

The Action Figure Therapy Store sells custom built but unlicensed mini figures. As such, they cannot use the real names of the characters, or the set of building blocks that they fit into, but you know them. The newest i...

Cats Dine Peacefully Next To Their Adopted Crow Sibling

I recently shared a video with a little yellow bird who wasn't afraid to dine next to two dachshunds, which was kind of an odd sight but not too strange considering some dogs don't see birds as prey.On the other hand cat...

The Last American Slave Ship

Although slavery continued in the United States until the end of the Civil War, the importation of slaves from Africa was banned in 1807. By the 1850s, the practice was dead, but Mobile, Alabama, businessman Timothy Meah...

Beekeeper Uses His Bee Colonies To Make Synth Music

Beekeepers normally use their colonies to make honey, beeswax, pollen and to provide starter hives to their fellow apairists, but beekeeper Bioni Samp does something unusual with his bees- he records their noises and mak...

Poles of Inaccessibility: the Remotest Places on Earth

We've told you that the most remote place on earth is Tristan da Cunha, because the island is so far from any civilized land mass and difficult to travel to. There is a different way of looking at inaccessibility. What i...

Car Spins Out Behind Reporter Doing Report On Safe Driving

When news reporters head out into the field to deliver their reports on the scene they generally assume the event they're covering is already over, or that the background will simply add a bit of color to their PSA.But W...

Philadelphia Prepares For The Eagles To Go To The Super Bowl By Greasing Lamp Posts

The Philadelphia Eagles have officially made it into Super Bowl LII, and that means the city of Philadelphia has some work to do to get ready before their team takes to the field in February.But they're not preparing to...

Sematary Here - Horror Rod Hijinks

Sematary Here by Anderson Green DevilEverybody has heard about what happens to animals, or humans for that matter, who are buried in the old Indian sematary by now, but what you don't know is the critters who resurrec...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Every Which Way But Loose

If you were around in the 1970s, you know that there were so many "good old boy with a vehicle" movies (and TV shows) that it was hard to tell them apart. Then in 1978, Every Which Way But Loose took that formul...

Anyone Can Do That

Not impressed with TV  anymore? The problem might be that you watch too much TV. Maybe you should go to church, or a bar, or join a club. Or just watch a show about people who know how to make friends better than yo...

Vitim River Bridge

Would you drive across this bridge? It's one lane wide with no railings whatsoever, too narrow to allow for the slightest variance from the path. The surface is not at all smooth, and the wooden planks can get slippery w...

7 Offbeat Mardi Gras Krewes

(Image credit: Flickr user Mark Gstohl)Mardi Gras is February 13 this year, and the Carnival season is already in full swing with parades every weekend in New Orleans leading up to Lent. These famous parades are staged b...

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