Watching videos in the age of dial-up was a real pain, when it could take an hour to watch a five minute video, and yet despite this lag Jason Windsor's freaky animated short End Of Ze World went viral in 2003. (NSFW language)
End Of Ze World was (arguably) the first viral video, and definitely helped start the viral video craze, but Jason never wanted to make a sequel to his totally terrifying film, and then 2017 happened...
“No one likes a sequel that’s not as good as the original. :)” Windsor told Gizmodo in an email. “But watching 2017 unfold made me want to make something. Maybe it’s just a way to deal with my own fear and anger and frustration.”
END OF ZE WORLD...PROBABLY FOR REAL THIS TIME is a darkly comedic update of the original film, and it not only shows how chaotic the world has become in the last fifteen years but also how much Jason's animation skills have improved.
And despite all the madness Jason remains optimistic about our future:
“I’m certainly still hopeful we can avoid doing something silly like blowing ourselves up, or not listening to scientists when they’re like, ‘No seriously, s#%t’s effed, and we need to stop this,’” Windsor said. “But there’s also action to be taken right away to avoid that stuff.”
-Via Gizmodo